
Vadodara, Surat, Ahmedabad


It is a procedure in which the stomach is divided with a laparoscopic stapler. Most of the stomach is no longer attached to the esophagus and will no longer receive food. Your new stomach is much smaller and shaped like a small tube. Between 2 to 7 feet of intestines are then bypassed. The surgeon will attach the remainder of the intestines to the new stomach. Food now flows into your small tube-like stomach and then bypasses between 2 to 7 feet of intestines where it resumes the normal digestive process in the remaining intestine.

Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass Compared to Gastric Bypass Surgery

  1. Shorter operating time.
  2. Less re-routing of the intestines.
  3. One fewer anastomosis (connection of intestines), which in theory means less chance of a complication.
  4. Technically easier for the surgeon.
  5. Similar weight loss and recovery.